Koda: 978-961-04-0293-0.
Edi Gobec
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Dr. Edi Gobec on Slovenian American Inventors and Innovators
I opened the book Slovenian American Inventors and Innovators authored by prof. Edward Gobetz, PhD. After flipping through pages I said proudly: "That`s us, Slovenes!" Then another thought: "Or is it them, Americans?"
(Donald Coker, MD, Washington, D.C.)
“This book is lively, though filled with facts. I enjoyed all five parts, which easily could have been five separate books.”
(Eleanor Prech, e Cleveland Press)
“One of the best works on ethnicity.”
(Prof Raj Mohan, Auburn University, International Journal of Contemporary Sociology)
“ This book will inspire our people and contribute to their recognition and prestige.”
(Alfred Breznik, President, Emona Group, Sydney, Australia)
Iz vesolja je gledal Slovenijo
Slovenski ameriški izumitelji in inovatorji
Izkušnja v vesolju je okrepila mojo vero
I opened the book Slovenian American Inventors and Innovators authored by prof. Edward Gobetz, PhD. After flipping through pages I said proudly: "That`s us, Slovenes!" Then another thought: "Or is it them, Americans?"
Marjan Bradeško
“I have never before realized this small nation of people had such a rich history and culture.”(Donald Coker, MD, Washington, D.C.)
“This book is lively, though filled with facts. I enjoyed all five parts, which easily could have been five separate books.”
(Eleanor Prech, e Cleveland Press)
“One of the best works on ethnicity.”
(Prof Raj Mohan, Auburn University, International Journal of Contemporary Sociology)
“ This book will inspire our people and contribute to their recognition and prestige.”
(Alfred Breznik, President, Emona Group, Sydney, Australia)
Iz vesolja je gledal Slovenijo
Slovenski ameriški izumitelji in inovatorji
Izkušnja v vesolju je okrepila mojo vero
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